N-SVR-1 Robot和N-SVS Robot 是由
• 遵循GPL开放全部软件源码及硬件设计图
• 机器人具有执行自主运行程序的能力
• 有广泛的第三方软件支持
• 可以通过软件控制台或网络浏览器实现对机器人的远程遥控
• 主机软件内建网络服务器并支持视频存档
• 机器人可以解释执行储存在FLASH中或内存中的C程序
• 无线遥控范围:室内100米室外1000米(视野空旷的地方)
• 机器人可以通过终端控制台进行快捷的控制与调试
• 实现上下或左右的全方位的视觉跟踪,支持立体成像
• 支持GNU/Linux操作系统也同时支持直接在DSP上通过GNU bfin-elf-工具链开发bare-metal应用
• 处理器:500MHz的ADI Blackfin BF537, 32MB SDRAM, 4MB SPI Flash, JTAG
• 摄像头:Omnivision OV7725, 30万像素(160x128到640x480 分辨率)
• 串口无线通讯模块:Lantronix Matchport 802.11b/g WiFi
• 云台控制装置:由舵机和固定装置构成(可选)
• 传感器:2个激光点
• 驱动:双直流齿轮电动机驱动双履带
• 速度:20-40厘米每秒
• 框架:铝制机械
• 规格:120mm长 x 100mm宽 x 150mm高
• 重量:约500克
• 电源:7.2V 2Ah锂电池 使用时间大约4小时
• 充电器:100-240交流电50/60Hz
N-SRV-1视觉机器人 视频追踪功能演示(2)
N-SRV-1视觉机器人 手机客户端软件演示
N-SRV-1视觉机器人 集群功能演示
N-SRV-1视觉机器人 越野越障能力演示
Stereo Vision System Specifications
- Two SRV-1 Blackfin camera modules separated by 10.75 cm (4.25"). Each camera module includes:
- 500MHz Analog Devices Blackfin BF537 Processor (1000 integer MIPS), 32MB SDRAM, 4MB SPI Flash, JTAG, external 32-pin i/o header w/ 2 UARTS, 4 timers (PWM/PPM), SPI, I2C, 16 GPIO
- Omnivision OV9655 1.3 megapixel sensor with AA format header and interchangeable lens - M12 P0.5 format - 3.6mm f2.0 (90-deg FOV) or optional 2.2mm f2.5 (120-deg FOV)
- Processor-to-processor communications via SPI bus (64MHz)
- Lantronix Matchport WLAN 802.11g radio w/onboard 3dB dipole antenna for Wifi communications
- On-board 3.3V high efficiency switching regulator (Recom R-783.3-1.0) for battery input (4.75 - 18.0 VDC)
- Headers for 8 servos (5V supply provided)
- Dual H-bridge motor driver (Fairchild FAN8200) with 1000mA drive current per motor
- Two switching transistor drivers with 100mA drive current for lights and laser pointers
- Low battery detect circuit
- Headers for 8 servos (5V regulator provided)
- Extended pin headers for full access to S-32 expansion bus of both processors
- Board dimensions - 60 mm x 150 mm (2.5" x 6.0"), 140g (5 oz)
- 1" x 2" mounting hole pattern for compatibility with SRV-1 robot base (dual and quad motor versions)
- Total power draw - 300mA @ 7.4V (approx 2 watts)
- RoHS compliant
Default Firmware- GPL Open Source - download from http://www.surveyor.com/blackfin/#blackfin3
- Full-speed frame capture direct to SDRAM at 1280x1024, 640x480, 320x240 or 160x120 pixel resolutions
- JPEG (Motion JPEG) compression
- Basic image processing - histogram, pixel sampling, mean, frame difference, blob, scan, count, find
- Stereo correspondence and image rectification functions (in development)
- Motor control for PWM (H-bridge) and PPM (servo) interfaces
- Built-in interpreters for Small C or Lisp languages for autonomous operation
- Real-Time-Clock (milliseconds since reset), internal timer resolution to 10 nanoseconds
- Direct control of I2C and SPI devices
- In-Application-Programming (IAP) of flash memory
- XMODEM protocol for reliable file transfer
- Direct support for up to 4 Maxbotics ultrasound rangers per camera module
- Compiled with GNU Blackfin Toolchain (bfin-elf-gcc) - download fromhttp://www.surveyor.com/blackfin/#blackfin4
- Command Protocol Definition - SRV_protocol
Schematics and Drawings
Host Software Support
- SRV1Test.java - new test console source code
- compile with "javac SRV1Test.java" launch with "java SRV1Test"
- SRV1Test.jar - precompiled class files - launch with "java -cp SRV1Test.jar SRV1Test"
- command line options:
- -remote_addr (SRV-1 IP address - default is
- -remote_port (SRV-1 port - default is 10001)
- -local_port (host computer port - default is 10001)
- -protocol (TCP or UDP - default is TCP)
- -archive (capture all frames to named directory)
- sample script for stereo feeds -
java SRV1Test -remote_addr -remote_port 10001 -local_port 10001 &
java SRV1Test -remote_addr -remote_port 10002 -local_port 10002 & - SRV1Test is described here -
- stereo.c - C-based cross-platform (Win, OS/X, Linux) console employing SDL libraries
- anaglyph stereo viewing
- archive to PPM, use scripts to encode to AVI, MPEG, e.g.
- for f in *ppm ; do convert -quality 100 $f `basename $f ppm`jpg ; done
- mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf fps=10 -o test.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg:vbitrate=1000
- simple robot control with keypad arrows + space bar (halt)
- ability to image map commands with mouse clicks on the display window
- forum discussion - http://www.surveyor.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1222462001
- SDL library downloads
- gcc command line
- Windows mingw32: mingw32-gcc -O2 -o stereo.exe stereo.c -I/mingw/include/sdl -L/mingw/lib -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_image -lSDL_net
- OS/X gcc: gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_THREAD_SAFE -Wl,-framework -Wl,Cocoa -Wl,-bind_at_load -L/usr/local/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_net -lSDL_image -o stereo stereo.c
- Linux gcc: gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/SDL -L/usr/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL -lSDL_net -lSDL_image -o stereo stereo.c
- Tips for setting up SDL in Windows - http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson01/windows/index.php
- AForge.NET - open source C# framework with SRV-1 and SVS support
- DelphiSRV
- Sentience Stereo Vision Software Version 0.2
- RoboRealm